07 March 2008


ok, i decided to do the exhibitionist blog thing, so welcome to the world of total blog commitment/total ramble this evening -

1. is it really beside the point to knit yourself a comfort shawl? should i admit that is what i'm doing? is it sad? am i now not only a single mother of the two youngest at home, overworked, semi-self-isolated facing various medical issues AND knitting myself a comfort shawl? at least there's only one cat in the picture. (that would be to the right, the deliciously evil, non-posing, passive-aggressive, beautiful Boudica).

2. is it still diverting to watch House post last week's medical fun adventure? it's one thing to be amused by the near death experiences and random medical treatments with snappy dialogue when relatively well, another thing entirely after being pumped full of Heparin due to an incorrect diagnosis a day before the recall. hmmm.

3. should i even ask if the cobblestone pattern could be replicated by doing a zimmerman with garter trim as appropriate? i really need to knit this year's yarn for the steakburger boy - tho by now, even in michigan, it will have to be sized for next year. does that mean i'm actually ahead of myself by all that frogging? do i really have to hunt down that particular interweave knits mag from the pile and check or should i just wing it? this is inspired by a beautiful paredown of the cobblestone from earthchicknits in ann arbor yarny types, if i'm ever uber comptuter literate, i'll try to figure out how to link. i think it might work with the three colour twist that frustrated haiku and the boring k1p1 raglan i attempted earlier.

4. amusing things about being on high dose steroids:
  • i can finally give up that dream of a professional baseball career
  • i can enjoy the looks from colleagues as my brain to mouth filter completely vanishes
  • i get to do this fun no sugar/complex carb diet
  • i find myself eating like a teenage boy, but nothing fun. i think i'd hurt someone for a bowl of irish oatmeal.
  • you don't want to know what i'd do for a cadbury dairy milk

06 March 2008

this was meant as a knitting blog...

but the medical just keeps piling up - so, do i rant about whether or not a spit felt will suffice to splice my kid classic, the misdiagnosis and extreme scare of pulmonary embolism as of last week or next tuesday's lung biopsy thing and the fun of an almost certain sarcoid diagnosis confirmation? to quote myself "nine out of ten people with sarcoid issues don't die from them"

argh. i want a smoke. i want a glorious, semi-butch Camel cigarette. and the bitch of it all is, most smokers do NOT develop sarcoid issues. quitting smoking, my chronic thyroidism and that whole most nordic person imaginable thing have seemingly conspired to do me in. or at least, the one person out ten...

so, can I spit splice kid classic? i'm coming up to a join on a quick shawl i'm making myself and really need an answer.